
Data Structure and Algorithm: Level 1

  • Dsa basics with java to understand in depth concept.
  • Cover topics like Array, String, Searching&Sorting, Greedy, Trees, Graph, Dynamic programming etc..
  • Includes Must do questions and companies like Adobe, Facebook, Paytm, Amazon and others previously asked coding questions.
  • Questions difficulty level: General
  • After this one can cracked dsa interviews of normal companies or, initial rounds of product based companies like Google,Microsoft.
  • Complete Blog notes with coding examples.
  • Video Lectures for each topic in English and Hindi.
  • Explore the course

Data Structure and Algorithm: Level 2

  • Covers good questions of Dynamic programming, Graph, Heaps, Arrays 1D&2D, Backtracking etc..
  • Includes Must do questions and companies previously asked coding questions.
  • Questions difficulty level: Good
  • After this one can easily approach almost all interview questions of any product based companies like Google,Microsoft,Meta and others.
  • Complete Blog notes with coding examples.
  • Video Lectures for each topic in English and Hindi.
  • Comming Soon

Data Structure and Algorithm: Level 3

  • Covers hard questions of Segment Trees, Dynamic programming, Graph, Heaps, Tries, Backtracking etc..
  • Includes Must do questions and companies previously asked coding questions.
  • Questions difficulty level: Excellent
  • After this one can easily approach and solve interview questions of any product based companies like Google,Microsoft,Meta and others.
  • Complete Blog notes with coding examples.
  • Video Lectures for each topic in English and Hindi.
  • Comming Soon

Java Master Course

  • Covers all the important topic from beginning to advance concepts.
  • All basics and core-java concept from environment setup to Jvm working, Oops concept, SOLID principle etc.
  • Advance concepts are covered like Collections, Multithreading, Serialization and so on.
  • Includes Java-8, Stream API and other latest features.
  • Questions generally asked in interviews from freshers to experienced from core java prospective are covered.
  • Complete Blog notes with coding examples.
  • Video Lectures for each topic in English and Hindi.
  • Comming Soon


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