Data Structures & Algorithms Tutorial with Coding Interview Questions

About the Course

This course offers comprehensive coverage of coding questions that serve as a solid foundation for understanding DSA concepts. These questions are frequently asked in coding interviews, either directly or with some variations, by many companies, including Adobe, Facebook (Meta), Paytm, Amazon, Google, and others.

Our primary objective is to enhance your problem-solving skills and enable you to devise optimal solutions. The course includes a wide range of topics, such as Arrays, Strings, Searching and Sorting, Greedy Algorithms, Trees, Graphs, Dynamic Programming, and more.

Upon completion, you will possess the necessary skills to ace DSA interviews for typical companies or excel in the initial rounds of product-based companies such as Google, Microsoft and similar others.

We are started with Graph data Structure and add others soon.


Our course is organised into chapters that follow a consistent structure. Initially, we introduce the fundamental concepts of each topic, followed by coding questions in subsequent chapters. This comprehensive course comprises various DSA sheets available on internet , Company wise interview Questions, online resources, and other essential elements from the perspective of Code Katha writers.
For each question, we start with a basic solution and then analyse its time complexity. We then explore optimisation techniques and design an algorithm before coding the solution. 

Our ultimate goal is to develop your problem-solving abilities and thought process.We will also provide the videos for the course and they will be uploaded for all the chapters in Hindi and English.

Index of Chapters


Graph: Concept and Important Algorithms

1. Basics of Graph Data Structure
2. Breadth-First Search (BFS) in Graph
3. Depth-First Search (DFS) in Graph 
4. Topological Sort in Graph
5. Union-Find Algorithm in Graph
6. Prim's Algorithm in Graph 
7. Dijkstra's Algorithm in Graph
8. Kruskal's Algorithm in Graph

Bit Manipulation 

1. Bit Manipulation and Bit Masking Concepts
2. Count set bits in an integer
Start the Course

Hope this blog tutorial has been helpful to you. If you have any remaining doubts or suggestions, please feel free to share them in the comments below. We would be glad to receive your feedback.

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